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Monday, December 13, 2010

GPS Can Be Unreliable At Times

One Friday night on our way to New Jersey, we left Toronto at around 10:00 in the evening thinking that the weather would be fine ahead. It was not snowing when we left our place. Right after we crossed the U.S. border it started to snow and visibility was getting shorter. I could not see the white lines that divided the road and more so, could not determine where the edge limit of the pavement was.

I had to drive very slowly like a turtle and always stayed in the middle of the road. Lucky enough, there were not many cars coming from the opposite direction. As we continued to drive, I found out that our GPS was leading us to an unknown and strange place. It was taking us through small roads and away from our intended destination. I soon discovered that my GPS was not working. So much energy was spent and efforts to keep us on track without success. Good for us, we found a hotel to take refuge at 2 in the morning.

Almost zero visibility

The morning after

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